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Bar Conference 2024

Friday 7 June


Saturday 8 June

Exhibition opened


Welcome by Sam Townend KC, Chair of the Bar of England and Wales

Presentation of the Lifetime Achievement in Pro Bono: the Sydney Elland Goldsmith Award


Keynote address by the Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales

Chair: Amrit Kaur Dhanoa, Chair of the Young Barristers' Committee

Speaker: The Rt Hon. the Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales

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The effectiveness and future of international courts

The number of international courts and tribunals has grown significantly in the last 30 years, dramatically affecting the fields of international law and international relations. On what measures should we assess their effectiveness? And, as the proposal for an international anti-corruption court gains momentum, what might the future hold?

Chair: Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, One Essex Court
HH Judge Joanna Korner CMG KC, International Criminal Court (England and Wales representative)
Chris Stephen, Journalist and War Reporter

Lunch and exhibition

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Breakout sessions

At the conference, select from a choice of sessions during the breakout periods: 13:00-14:00 and 14:10-15:00. 


Option one

Culture at the Bar: Navigating Intergenerational Differences

There are currently four generations operating within the legal profession: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z. Each of these generations views the Bar through the ‘lens’ of its own generational assumptions. Barristers from different generations work differently, communicate differently, and often hold very different expectations about work and its priorities.

As with other leading professions, if not addressed, a growing "chasm" can emerge between senior barristers and newer recruits, particularly when it comes to discussing issues around work-life balance, wellness, and mental health.

This presentation will provide a lively and engaging insight into workplace generational dynamics and a chance to reflect on how they are currently impacting on the legal profession.

Drawing on practical examples and the latest research, the presentation will explore how to build effective multi-generational teams while fostering an environment that accommodates diverse values and working styles.

This includes leveraging the strengths of both senior and junior members to enhance learning, mentorship, and professional development within the Bar.

Dr Paul Redmond is one of the UK’s leading experts on generational change and the future of work. He helps organisations and professionals worldwide acquire the skills and knowledge to thrive in today’s multi-generational workplace.

Speaker: Dr Paul Redmond, Director of Student Experience and Enhancement 

Option two
Let’s talk about money: how to have the right conversations about earnings and work allocation

Led by Rachel Krys, Equality and Diversity Consultant for the Bar Council, this practical workshop will look at the latest earnings data from across the Bar and considers the questions barristers should be asking to ensure their practice is in the right place. 

Whether you’re at the start of your career and want to make sure it’s on the right trajectory, wanting to better balance your practice with family commitments or looking to take silk, chambers collect data which can help you understand your practice better, and make more informed decisions about the work you do. This session will give you insights into the data you should be asking for to get the support you need.

Speaker: Rachel Krys, Equality and Diversity Consultant, Bar Council of England and Wales 

Option three
Futureproofing your practice through alternative dispute resolution

The growth of mediation and other non-court-based dispute resolution offers a variety of opportunities for barristers to diversify their work and look beyond the courtrooms of England and Wales. This session will consider the implications of the Court of Appeal judgment in Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil and explore opportunities for barristers to expand their domestic and international practices. 

Chair: Spenser Hilliard, Field Court Chambers, Chair of the Bar Council's Alternative Dispute Resolution Panel

Grace Cheng, 39 Essex Chambers
Andrew Day, St Ives Chambers
Andrew Parsons, Portsmouth Barristers’ Chambers


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Option one

Reforming private prosecutions in the wake of the Post Office scandal

Described as one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in British history, the Post Office’s use of private prosecutions against more than 700 Post Office sub-postmasters and -mistresses has prompted widespread demand for reform.

Formal regulation, legislative change and a code of standards are some of the changes our panellists will consider as they discuss what could be done to repair confidence in the justice system and how we can ensure private prosecutions serve the public interest.

Chair: Sir David Calvert-Smith, retired High Court judge

Ari Alibhai, QEB Hollis Whiteman
Flora Page, 23ES
Polly Sprenger, Addleshaw Goddard


Option two
Navigating ethical dilemmas at the Bar

Every year the Bar Council responds to thousands of queries through our Ethical Enquiries Service. In this practical session our panel of experts will explore some of the current hot topics in the field of legal ethics, including SLAPPs and barristers’ use of social media, as well as looking at the operation of the code of conduct rules in an employed context.

Whatever area of practice you are in, in this interactive session you will be asked to think about how you might approach some common ethical dilemmas at the Bar. Our panel will highlight some key conduct rules and resources and give some practical pointers on how to navigate tricky situations and balance sometimes competing interests.

Chair: Fenner Moeran KC, Co-Chair of Bar Council’s Ethics Committee

John Battle KC (Hon.), Head of Legal and Compliance for ITN
David Bunting, Head of Legal for Sales and Trading for Deutsche Bank AG
James Hines KC, Three Raymond Buildings
Hannah Smith, General Pharmaceutical Council

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Coffee break/exhibition


Justice at the polls

This session will explore current issues in the justice sector and what the General Election might mean for its future

Chair: Lord Macdonald of River Glaven Kt KC, Matrix Chambers


The Rt Hon. the Lord Falconer of Thoroton, Labour Party
Lord Marks of Henley-on-Thames KC, Liberal Democrats Party
Sir Bob Neill KC (Hon.), Conservative Party


Artificial Intelligence and its place in the justice system

Earlier this year, the Bar Council issued the first guidance for the Bar on the use of ChatGPT recognising that the growth of AI tools in the legal sector is inevitable and the rules may struggle to keep pace. In this session our expert panel will explore the ethical considerations around the use of AI in the administration of justice and discuss the future opportunities and threats that the use of AI in the courts and across the justice system brings. 

Chair: David O’Mahony, 7BR

Lord Clement-Jones CBE, Member of the House of Lords
Shobana Iyer, Swan Chambers
Professor Lisa Webley, Chair in Legal Education and Research at the University of Birmingham, UK and Associate Senior Research Fellow at IALS, University of London

Speech by Amrit Kaur Dhanoa, Chair of the Young Barristers’ Committee


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Due to the calling of the General Election, the Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC, Alex Chalk KC MP, Shabana Mahmood MP and the Rt Hon Sir Robert Buckland KC were unable to join us. 

TESTIMONIAL - attendee


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