Call for feedback: Moving the Pupillage Gateway timetable

The deadline for submissions has now passed. If you have any questions regarding the consultation please contact [email protected].  


The Bar Council is considering whether to move the Pupillage Gateway timetable following the forthcoming recruitment round, which it is suggested will broadly follow the existing format.

We want to hear your views on how this will impact your:

  • recruitment process if you are an Authorised Education and Training Organisation (“AETO”); or
  • application process if you are a prospective candidate.

The feedback received in this consultation will be used to determine whether to move the Gateway timetable. The Bar Council will only move the timetable if the evidence from this consultation shows that it would be beneficial to both AETOs and pupillage candidates and would be supported by both.

We would encourage responses from AETOs, groups representing prospective barristers and/or students, providers of the vocational component, and other relevant academic institutions, and individual users of the Gateway.

Questions for respondents
  1. What is the name of your chambers, organisation, or group? If you are responding in a personal capacity, what is your name? Please also supply a contact email address in case we have any questions about your response.
  2. If you are an AETO, do you usually have difficulties arranging interviews with candidates? Please give typical reasons why candidates may reschedule or cancel interviews if you can.
  3. If you are a pupillage candidate or an organisation responding on behalf of pupillage candidates, what are the typical problems faced during the recruitment period that specifically relate to the existing Pupillage Gateway timetable (e.g., reasons why you have had to reschedule or cancel interviews; difficulties completing applications in the timeframe)?
  4. Which is your preferred option for the Gateway timetable? Please give reasons where appropriate.
  5. For your chosen option, do you foresee any impacts on particular groups, e.g., undergraduate students, conversion course students, those studying the vocational component, career changers, those with caring responsibilities, or any other group? In particular, we would like to understand whether any particular group might be disadvantaged when applying for pupillage and how those disadvantages might be mitigated.